Sitemap - 2021 - Politics of Tourism

Solidarity with Kathleen Stock!

Triggernometry interview: Universities and the Race Equality Charter

Conversations in Tourism podcast

In praise of holiday Fordism: why it’s misanthropic to malign mass tourism

Covid: a disaster for students and higher education

Covid-19, tourism and the advocacy of degrowth

Where’s My Jetpack!

Universities should not be taking sides on racial politics

We can’t rely on students’ unions to defend free speech

Shouldn’t students’ unions be free from worrying about others’ free speech?

Tourism's democratic deficit

Who will defend free speech?

In memory of Samuel Paty, teacher

Response to Journal of Sustainable Tourism article

How to save our universities

Why tourism degrowth just won’t do after COVID-19

The vital importance of being in the pub

Baden-Powell’s legacy should be celebrated, not toppled

Should We Decolonise Geography ?

The Importance of Democratic Control over Immigration

The War on Tourism

Trade unions must stand up for workers’ freedom of speech

The War on Wrongthink Academics

Brexit: working class revolt or middle class outlook?

The merits of lecture capture

Is this the worst book written about Brexit?

In defence of the Derby Question Time ‘mob’.

Questioning the Epistemology of Decolonise: The Case of Geography

May Must Fall: an affront to intellectual diversity

on 'overtourism'

trinet 'overtourism' discussion

Overtourism: is it over for the growth of tourism?

On Monbiot versus Spiked

On the Road: the spirit of travel from the Beats to the Millennials

Post-Brexit tourism

In praise of the holiday revolution

Development Debates: Does Short-term Volunteering Abroad Do More Harm Than Good?

the politics of sustainable tourism

Barcelona and the scapegoating of tourists

Talk of a nonexistent ‘tide of hate’ against EU migrants does nothing to help their cause

Let EU nationals stay in Britain

on the current furore over Milo Yiannopoulos's invitation to my sons' school

No, tourism is not an act of white privilege

Pro-Europe, pro-democracy, pro-migration, anti-EU

Why the UCU can't oppose Prevent

Students don't need no datafication (on Spiked, from 2016)

my review of Reclaiming Travel (Stavans and Ellison) on Spiked

Travelling for a change: the new ethical tourism

American Association of Geographers, annual conference, Chicago, April 2015

A note on Malta’s referendum on the Spring bird hunt

Comments on the Anthropocene

Tourism, all-inclusives and the politics of Syriza

Kids need the freedom to play

Volunteer tourism: the lifestyle politics of international development

Education and Geography

In Defence of Holiday Fordism

Responsible Tourism

Tourism’s Culture War: From Grand Tours to Ethical Tourism

Some reflections on package holidays and the ethical tourism lobby

Some thoughts on cultural appropriation.

Tourism, culture and politics